Let me guess…

You’re here checking out Sort My Space because you’re at the point where you can’t take the mess and mayhem anymore.
It’s too much, you don’t have the time or you just can’t face it alone.
What it comes down to is figuring out what’s not working for you, what does work for you and bridging that gap with creative solutions that work sustainably.
(Spoiler alert – that’s where we come in).

Am I onto something here?
Thought so. Let me introduce myself.
I’m Tamara Speedie.
Certified KonMari consultant. Profesh organiser.
Stationery addict.
Yep, that’s my real surname. Quick by name, efficient by nature. That’s partly why I’m good at what I do.
So, what is that again?
I’m a professional organiser. I help people from Brisbane, to northern NSW and the Gold Coast declutter and sort their homes into tidy, organised spaces that function in your favour.
My team and I help you simplify your life. We make it easy to see and access your belongings.
We flip those I-really-hate chores into that’s-easy tasks with solutions customised for the way you like to live. Less stress, more time. Extra dollar bucks in your pocket and a lightened mental load. Just a handful of the ways we change your life.

What makes me the real deal?
A person you can feel comfortable inviting in to your house. Sorting your undies drawer. Showing your deepest, darkest pantry depths.
Well, a coupla things…
I’ve always been into structure, neatness and systems. And stationery. Side note – the first time I walked into a Kikki K store when I moved from Darwin to the Gold Coast for uni, I felt like I was home.
I studied Psychological Science at uni and that helps me understand the deep attachment we can have to our belongings. I understand how hard it is to let go of things you might not even like, simply because it emotionally connects you to a person or moment. I get how the mental load of looming chores can feel like such a heavy weight to carry. If you want to talk through these kinds of feelings or memories, I am happy to help you in our session.
We’ll never make you part with things that you adore. We’re here to make your space work better and your life happier.
After a career that combined project work and roles with Queensland Health, I had two babies. Cue the evolving needs, chauffeuring, activities, demands of the mum juggle and you can begin to see the value I bring – and how I’ve honed my organisational skills all my life for this moment.
My lightbulb moment struck while on maternity leave. If I’m away from my kids, it’s got to be doing something I genuinely love. So I started a business printing pretty labels to help people organise their stuff.
Before long, I figured out it was the organising part that filled me with joy, not the label part. That’s when I became a certified KonMari consultant and professional organiser.
What lights me up? Finding solutions to make a space work. And when I say “work” I mean solutions designed to suit you.
Organisation is about customising your world to work in your favour. That’s why we start every project with a strategy that discovers who you are and how you use your space.
Book a free chat to get to know me
A few things you should know about us…
1. Before we do any sorting with/for you, we listen to you and get to know what you like, want, feel and need.
2. We’re big on keeping the things that make you happy.
3. We believe in making your space work for you, not the other way around.
And a bonus tidbit? Organising is my happy place.
If I’m not working (which I bloody love!) or figuring out how to mum, I love to be at the beach, mango smoothie in hand, mojito waiting for me when the sun starts to dip.
There’s method to mastering the mayhem and we’d love to work with you to create solutions that feel natural for you.