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Our beautiful Daily Planner is the perfect tool to help you stay on top of your to-do list and appointments. This Daily Planner is perfect for:


  • Stay at Home Parents
  • Small Business Owners
  • Uni Students


Featuring space for hourly appointments from 7am - 6pm, a to do list for up to six appointments and a notes section.


This is a Digital Product and a link to download the PDF will be emailed to you within minutes of processing your order.  


Please note you will not receive any physical items as part of this purchase.

Daily Planner Template

  • You acknowledge that by purchasing, downloading and using this digital product (Product) from SORT my Space (we, us our our) via our online shop or website, you are agreeing in full to this disclaimer.

    Use of Product
    After you purchase the Product you will be provided with access to the Product. At our discretion we may specify a limited access time (such as 24 or 48 hours).

    Upon purchase, we grant you a single use non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable license to use this Product personally or in your business. However, this Product may not be copied, given to a third party, reproduced, transmitted electronically or otherwise used in any way in whole or in part for the purpose of commercial gain by you for any purpose that may amount to competition with us in any way.

    You may use the Product for your personal and/ or business use. Where permitted or intended (such as by the use of a template or checklist) you may modify the language contained in the Product or add your details. However, we can’t guarantee any modification will maintain the integrity or original intention of the Product or result in the outcome being the intended use of the Product.

    We do not require you to credit us for your use of the Product on your social media or website.


    Refund policy
    While we honour the Australian Consumer Law and will refund or exchange faulty goods or services such as where you cannot access the Product and can prove that you have been unable to access it, due to the nature of the Product being immediately accessible to you upon purchase, no refunds or fees paid by you will be permitted for change of mind.


    Intellectual Property
    We retain all ownership of the copyright of the Product in its original form downloaded by you and if we see you have shared our Product with a third party or used it for commercial use rather than personal or business use, we reserve the right to claim compensation for such unauthorised use.


    While we use reasonable commercial endeavours to ensure that the Product is accurate and fit for download by you, we do not take any responsibility whatsoever for the suitability of the Product for your intended purpose. Further, we do not provide a warranty as to the fitness of the Product. You agree to indemnity us against all liabilities, claims, demands, damages, actions or loss arising out of your breach of this disclaimer and your use of the Product, noting we shall not be liable for any consequential, indirect or direct loss of profits, business or other damages that arise as a result of your use of the Product, regardless of whether such loss could have been foreseen.


    Release & expectations
    We do not make any guarantee as to the suitability of this Product and in purchasing this Product you acknowledge that you understand that this Product may produce different results for different people and that the Product is intended for a mass audience and not you or your business personally. In proceeding with the purchase of this Product we do not guarantee any expected result or outcome.

We acknowledge and give thanks to the people of the Bundjalung and Yuggera nations.  The Traditional Owners of the land we live, work and grow on. This land always was, and always will be Aboriginal land. 

© 2024 Sort My Space. All rights reserved.

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